
COMING FORM THE NORTH: Take the South bound 405 or 5 Freeways to the Lake Forest Exit. Go straight off the ramp (crossing Lake Forest). Go past Cocos restaurant, and turn right on the first small street called Plaza Pointe. (directly behind the Comfort Inn sign.) Take Plaza Pointe to South Pointe and turn right. Turn left into the third driveway on your left. (The building is two story rust colored bldg.) Bear to the right once entering our parking lot and park on the right hand side of the building.
COMING FROM THE SOUTH: Take the North bound 5 Freeway to the Lake Forest Exit. Turn left off the ramp and go up over the freeway. Turn left onto Avenida De La Carlota. Turn right on the first small street called Plaza Pointe. (directly behind the Comfort Inn sign) Take Plaza Pointe to South Pointe and turn right. Turn left into the third driveway on the left. (The building is two story rust colored bldg.) Bear to the right once entering our parking lot and park on the right hand side of the building.
Parking is free. Guest parking is available next to the building. Reach the second floor via the staircase on the right hand side of the building.